Do you have a product that is perfect for Auto Zone stores and want to become an Auto Zone supplier?
Have you ever wondered what it would take to get a product into their stores? If so, you will love this short training segment on how to sell your product to Auto Zone Stores!
(For those of you who prefer to read this content, transcripts are included below!)
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer such as Auto Zone. Hope it helps!
Transcript for this video below on….

How to become an Auto Zone vendor
Hi everyone, it’s Karen Waksman, Founder of Retail MBA. Today I want to talk about becoming an Auto Zone Supplier. Some of you have products that are perfect for the auto aftermarket industry, and you want to get your products into those types of stores, obviously, so you want to know about becoming an Auto Zone Supplier. What can I tell you about Auto Zone?
First of all, I’d like you to know that this particular retail chain is massive. They have like 5,800 stores or more. That’s massive. That’s some serious buying power. Usually they have a corporate buyer amongst other things, but ultimately they can, if they are interested in your product, you can make a lot of money. The problem with these different auto retail chains is that they tend to be smaller, because they’re so massive, everybody wants to sell to them.
Trade shows can be a magical way to get your products into retail chains
How do you differentiate yourself? What do you do? How do you get your products in front of them? One thing that most people don’t realize is that trade shows can be a magical way to get your products into retail chains. Now I teach all sorts of other ways to get into stores, but if you are interested in a retailer like AutoZone, and you are in a highly competitive market, you might want to check out a trade show called SEMA, S-E-M-A; SEMA Show. It’s, I think, in late October. I think it varies a little bit, but it’s in late October, I think. It’s called the SEMA Show. Basically if you have an auto product that’s, we call it the auto aftermarket industry, or there’s accessories, and all sorts of things for cars. This show is pretty amazing for that. They’re really, really well-known. They have a lot of amazing speakers.
Learn about your industry & becoming a seller for Auto Zone
Then, all of the retailers, who are interested in the space usually attend this show. I usually create videos with specific details about certain retailers and so forth, but in this case I felt really strongly to share that this trade show, if you’re in the auto industry, would be amazing for you to go. At least go just to walk through it, to get a feel for what the industry’s all about, because it’s only about accessories and so forth for the auto industry. Not everybody knows about that show, so at least definitely attend. Also, a lot of the retailers go there, so I highly recommend exploring that for this particular retailer.

Learn the exact steps to selling to Auto Zone & becoming vendor
Anyway, there’s so many other things I could share with you about getting your products into AutoZone. If you want to know exactly how to approach, pitch, and sell to AutoZone directly, not go to a show, not do anything like that, definitely check out my website I have a free trading program that you can sign up to with just an email address. It’s a six part training program. It’s powerful, and that’s for free. You can take a look at that and I can spend some time with you. This is just a few minute video. Also, if you want to know how to get into retail chains today, and you’re ready to go, you can definitely check out my Retail MBA training program; the full program. That’s on that website, as well, That program is 20 hours of powerful information. In a weekend you can go after retail chains and get your products in the stores.
Anyway, to take a look at those, there’s links listed below. Otherwise, I hope this provided value. Check out SEMA Show, and be on the lookout for the additional videos that I create on different retailers. I hope this helps.
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer such as Auto Zone. Hope it helps! 🙂
Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.
We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about. Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
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