Do you have a product that is perfect for Tractor Supply Co Stores and You Want to Become a Tractor Supply Co Vendor?
Are you interested in becoming a Tractor Supply Vendor? If you have a consumer product that you believe would be a fit for their stores or website this training will provide you with some key considerations regarding Tractor Supply Co!
What is Tractor Supply?
Tractor Supply Co is a retail chain in the United States that operates 2,000 stores. They exert buying power. Offer a wide range of products including items related to home improvement, agriculture, lawn and garden supplies, livestock care, pet products, clothing and footwear.
15 percent of the products in their stores are unique to specific regions. This means that there are opportunities to sell your product on both the level by approaching their buyers or on a regional level by targeting select stores.
Becoming a Tractor Supply Vendor
If your goal is to become a vendor for Tractor Supply Co it’s important to consider the following points;
They have buyers with varying budgets.
Their online presence performs well. Requires engagement, with distinct buyers compared to their corporate purchasing team.
If your product falls within the pet industry category. Tractor Supply Co presents an opportunity.
Additionally they offer lawn and garden tools, home goods and more.
Tractor Supply Co takes pride in their brands making it possible for you to sell your products under their private label brand. If you are considering selling to Tractor Supply Co it is advisable to visit one of their stores and gain an understanding of the range of products they offer.
Karen Waksman, the founder of Retail MBA has been guiding individuals, for the 13 years on how to place their products in retail stores. She has assisted over 100,000 people in getting their products into stores. For those in learning more about entering the market with their own products please explore Retail MBA.
Becoming a vendor for Tractor Supply Co presents an excellent opportunity for those with exceptional consumer goods that would be a good fit for their stores or website. With Tractor Supply Cos purchasing power and diverse product selection there exists potential for vendors. It is highly recommended that you personally visit one of their stores to gain insight into the types of products they carry.. If you are eager to acquire knowledge, on getting your products into retail outlets please consider exploring Retail MBA

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Hey everyone I’m Karen Waksman, the founder of Retail MBA. Today I want to talk about how you can sell your products to Tractor Supply Company. If you think your consumer product would be a fit, for their stores or website this training will give you insights on how to approach Tractor Supply Company. So lets get started with todays session.
Tractor Supply Company is a known retailer with 2,000 stores under its belt. This means they have a lot of buying power in the market. It’s important for me to talk about these types of chains because many of you may not know about the opportunities they offer. Tractor Supply is a company that focuses on home improvement, agriculture products, lawn and garden supplies, livestock care and even clothing and footwear. They cater to a range of customers. Offer various product categories.
Tractor Supply Vendor
One thing you should consider when becoming a vendor for Tractor Supply is their product range. Currently around 15 of their stores offer products that are unique to their region. As a vendor you have the opportunity to sell your products at a level, to Tractor Supply.
Tractor Supply offers an opportunity for you to connect with their buyers through our training program called Retail MBA (more details below). This program provides guidance on how to approach, pitch and sell your products to corporate buyers. By establishing a connection, with these buyers you can potentially secure a deal where they purchase your products for all of their stores.
In addition to buyers Tractor Supply also has buyers who specialize in selecting products for specific areas. Similar to retailers like Walmart Tractor Supply relies on these regional buyers to streamline the buying process. These regional buyers focus on finding products that are suitable for their designated areas. This means that if your product is well suited for a region due to factors, like weather conditions or other considerations you have the opportunity to sell it on a scale by targeting select stores in that region.
Tractor Supply Website
It’s worth noting that Tractor Supply also excels in sales. They have a team of buyers who curate products specifically for their digital platform. It’s important to keep in mind that the preferences and requirements of buyers may differ from those of regional buyers. While physical stores often require hands on inspection of products before making purchasing decisions online platforms can accommodate a variety of items.
If your product isn’t suitable, for their stores they might still be interested in selling it through their platform. This will not give you access to a customer base but also increase the chances of eventually having your product stocked in their physical stores.
Product Category
Tractor Supply is well known for its pet products and lawn and garden tools. They also have a range of home goods. If you have products in these categories it’s worth considering Tractor Supply as a retailer. Don’t underestimate the opportunities that retailers like this can offer. Tractor Supply takes pride in their brands, which presents an intriguing opportunity for vendors. You can potentially become a Tractor Supply Vendor under their brand name with the retailers name appearing on the packaging of your own. Retailers often buy products from vendors. Repackage them under their brand name providing instructions on how to obtain appropriate packaging to maintain a consistent look across their exclusive product range. While affordability and scalability are prioritized for these brands it can be an avenue, for vendors who are willing to forego having their name on the packaging. Remember that this decision ultimately depends on your business goals and personal preferences.
It’s important to mention that different retailers may require approaches. You have the option to sell your product exclusively under one retailers brand while also selling it under your brand through another retailer. This flexibility allows you to explore revenue opportunities and customize your approach, for retailers.
If you’re interested in learning more about selling to retailers feel free to check out the Done For You Services or Do It Yourself Options available, on Retail MBA. Thank you!

Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.
We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about. Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
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