Victoria's Secret Vendor - How to Sell to Victoria's Secret Stores

Sell to Victoria’s Secret & Become a Victoria’s Secret Vendor

Do you have a product that is perfect for Victoria’s Secret Stores and You Want to Become a Victoria’s Secret Vendor?

Are you interested in selling your products to Victoria’s Secret? In this short video training, Karen Waksman, the founder of Retail MBA will share tips and strategies to help you kickstart your journey!

Victoria’s Secret is a chain with approximately 1350 stores globally and a workforce of 25,000 employees. Collaborating with them can potentially bring in revenue for your business. They have an interest in product categories such as candles, fragrances, creams, lotions, home accessories, jewelry, accessories and lingerie.

Diversity is highly valued at Victorias Secret; they have a team representing generations and backgrounds. If you are a woman owned business or belong to a minority owned company it is highly recommended to obtain certification. This will give you an advantage as they actively seek out suppliers.

To become certified visit Complete the application process. There is typically a fee involved and the certification process may take some time.

For minority owned businesses seeking certification specifically tailored to their needs is the platform to explore.

Selling to Victorias Secret Stores

While diversity is important, to Victorias Secret when selecting suppliers they also value individuals who can deliver pitches.If you can craft a sales pitch that captivates their customers and persuades them to make a purchase they will take notice of you.

Retail MBA offers retail consulting services that can assist you in developing the language choice of words and effective public representation. If you’re interested, in learning more feel free to visit their website at

Being a vendor for Victorias Secret presents an opportunity, for those seeking to sell products. If you are a woman owned business or a minority owned company its highly recommended that you obtain certification. Additionally it’s crucial to create a pitch that entices their customers to buy. Finally working with Retail MBA can be beneficial as they can help you craft the verbiage and choose the effective words.

We trust this information proves valuable. Thank you much!

"Victoria's Secret loves diversity and they have a lot of people who work there of all generations and all types. If you are a woman-owned business or minority-owned company, you should definitely get certified. This will put you in the front of the line because they have a segment of interest for diverse suppliers."

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Tips and Strategies, for Selling to Victorias Secret

If you believe your consumer product would be a fit for Victorias Secret stores this short video training, will provide you with insights and tips to consider. Victorias Secret is a retail chain with nearly 1,350 stores worldwide and significant buying power. With their 25,000 employees securing an order from them can greatly impact your businesses line. It’s no wonder aspire to sell to them.

In this short video training, we will explore how you can enhance your chances of selling to Victorias Secret. We’ll delve into the types of products they seek their emphasis on diversity and the benefits of obtaining certification to make your business stand out. Additionally we’ll touch upon the significance of delivering a pitch and working alongside a consultancy in preparation for your presentation.

Products Sought by Victoria’s Secret

Victorias Secret is interested in a range of products that cater to women’s needs and desires. They have interest in items such, as candles, fragrances, creams, lotions, home accessories, jewelry and accessories, lingerie and loungewear.
Victorias Secret is interested, in a range of products that cater to women’s lingerie experiences and can be stocked in their store. As a retailer specializing in knitwear it’s important to keep this in mind if you’re considering selling clothing to them.

The Significance of Diversity

Diversity holds value for Victorias Secret as they prioritize inclusivity in their workforce. They actively seek out suppliers, from generations, backgrounds and types. If your business is woman owned or minority owned obtaining certification can help you stand out. Like chain stores Victorias Secret actively looks for suppliers as they aim to meet the unique needs and desires of their diverse customer base.

Obtaining Certification

If you are a woman who owns 51% or more of your business you can visit or to start the certification process. While there may be some costs involved and time required obtaining this certification will place you at the forefront of Victorias Secrets interest in working with suppliers.

If your company is owned by a minority it is recommended to reach out to, which’s the certification organization you should contact. Once you obtain certification it would be beneficial to inform Victorias Secret about it as they will prioritize your business, over others. Certification plays a role in making you stand out from the competition. Increases your chances of being considered first.

The Significance of a Presentation

A proven approach to enter into partnership with Victorias Secret involves having a product along with a compelling presentation. When you approach them it is important that the buyer genuinely believes that your product will sell well in their stores. Hence having a pitch becomes indispensable. Collaborating with a consultancy can assist you in crafting language, words and methods to present yourself professionally. Retail MBA is one consultancy specializing in helping businesses refine their pitches among areas of expertise. You can find information on their website at

Getting Started

To summarize Victorias Secret holds appeal for many industry professionals seeking collaboration opportunities. Emphasizing diversity can significantly contribute to your success and an impactful pitch can make all the difference. Furthermore obtaining certification as a supplier can help distinguish your business amidst competition, within the market.
Victorias Secret is continuously exploring inventive methods to engage with their audience. If you happen to have a product that aligns with their market they might show interest. With a presence spanning over 1,350 stores Victorias Secret is always, on the lookout, for exciting opportunities.

Victoria's Secret Vendor
Click on the image to watch the short video training!

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In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂

Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA

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Sell to Victoria's Secret Stores & Becoming a Victoria's Secret Vendor
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Sell to Victoria's Secret Stores & Becoming a Victoria's Secret Vendor
Do you have a product that is perfect for Victoria's Secret Stores and You Want to Become a Victoria's Secret Vendor? Have you ever wondered what it would take to get a product in their stores and be included in Victoria's Secret? If so, you will love this short training segment on how to sell your product to Victoria's Secret Stores!
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