Do you have a product that is perfect for and You Want to Become a Vendor?
Are you interested in becoming a supplier for If thats the case you’re in the right place! In this short video training, Karen Waksman, the founder of Retail MBA will guide you through the process of selling your products to It’s a established platform known for offering a wide range of home improvement products, appliances, flooring and more. has been successfully operating since 2000. Boasts a catalog of over half a million products on their website. This presents an opportunity for sellers like you to make money and establish your brand.
Before diving into selling on there are some points you should be aware of:
1. operates similarly to retailers like Home Depot and Lowes.
2. They prioritize product shipping so its crucial to have a plan in place.
3. While dropshipping is an option ensure that you have a third party fulfillment provider who can handle it seamlessly.
4. Don’t be discouraged if your product doesn’t fall into the home improvement category; offers product options worth considering.
Now that we’ve covered what is all, about lets delve into how you can sell your products on their platform.Here are some tips to help you get started;
Start by reaching out to and initiating a conversation with them.
Ensure that you have a third party fulfillment house that can handle dropshipping for you.
Demonstrate your sales track record by selling to retailers well.
Consider exploring retailers who may not be as well known but can still be profitable for your business.
Getting Started with Selling on
Selling your products on presents an opportunity to generate income and establish your brand. With their product range and emphasis on shipping they are an ideal platform for any supplier. If you’re interested in learning more about selling on or other retailers feel free to check out the link, for a webinar. Best of luck!
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Karen Waksman, the founder of Retail MBA provides insights, about, a platform for home improvement products, appliances and flooring. With its establishment in 2000 has achieved success by offering a range of half a million products on their website. In this article we will explore factors to keep in mind when approaching to sell your consumer product.
Shipping Methods
The first crucial aspect to consider when dealing with is their focus on shipping methods. Dropshipping is an adopted approach by retailers like for product delivery to customers. If you collaborate with them and a customer purchases your product it’s important to determine how the product will reach the customer. Should you ship it directly. Entrust it to a third party fulfillment house? These are questions that require consideration when working with Additionally if your product is large or requires shipping arrangements finding reliable third party companies specialized in handling aspects would be beneficial according to Karens suggestion.
The second noteworthy point when approaching is that many people tend to overlook its impact. This often happens because individuals primarily focus on retailers, like Home Depot and Lowes.However it’s important not to overlook as it’s a regarded destination, for home improvement products. Of limiting yourself to your retailers consider exploring other potential options for selling your products. Karen encourages us to think and consider alternatives beyond our choices.
Range of Products
Another aspect to keep in mind when considering is their range of product offerings. Even if you don’t have a home improvement product don’t dismiss the possibility of partnering with Karen reminds us that retailers like Home Depot sell an array of items, including clothing and electronics. If offers products to yours it’s definitely worth considering as a retailer. With its customer base and revenue potential shouldn’t be overlooked. Of focusing on one type of retailer explore the alternatives that may not immediately come to mind.
If you’re just starting out Karen suggests reaching out to as an opportunity to establish your presence in the market. Being featured on their website can serve as evidence that your product has the ability to generate sales. Other retailers like Home Depot and Lowes appreciate the assurance provided by having proven products in the market. While its not the factor influencing their decision to purchase from you it certainly helps significantly. Building a partnership with can be instrumental, in getting your business off the ground and achieving success.
Getting Started
In summary, stands out as a destination, for individuals seeking home improvement supplies and appliances. With an inventory of half a million products on their website there are plenty of opportunities to collaborate with them. Karen Waksman provides insights into approaching for selling your consumer product. It’s essential not to overlook these insights and instead explore strategies while thinking creatively. Prioritize the avenues that often go unnoticed as they can still yield significant profits and open doors to prominent retailers, like Home Depot and Lowes.
Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.
We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about. Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
Questions? Contact Us!
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Retail MBA provides a step-by-step formula on How to Sell to Major Retailers, Online Retailers, Smaller Retailers, Catalogs and More. No Experience Required! These solutions continue to convert for clients year-over-year! These are Time-Tested and Proven Strategies that we utilize ourselves when going after stores! Everything we teach, we test. Want access to these formulas? ANY one of our programs and coaching systems gives you access to them now. With that said…
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