Do you have a product perfect for chain stores and want to know how to contact chain store buyers effectively? Karen Waksman, founder of Retail MBA reveals 4 tips and strategies to help you get started today!
Are you a brand that sells consumer products targeting stores like Home Depot, Macys, Kroger or CVS? If you are then, this short video training is designed specifically for you! Karen Waksman, the founder of Retail MBA is here to offer her insights and four effective strategies on how to approach and engage chain store buyers.
With over 13 years of experience in helping individuals generate millions of dollars for their consumer product brands Karen possesses the expertise and knowledge required to assist you in maximizing your products potential and connecting it with the buyers.
Getting Started with Reaching Out to Chain Store Buyers
When attempting to contact a chain store and inquire about speaking with a buyer they will never simply provide you with the buyers contact information. This is because they receive calls from people and the buyers prefer not to have their information shared openly. Instead they will direct you to submit your product through their Vendor Portal.
While this may appear as a request at glance it may not be the most effective approach.
Here’s why;
By submitting your product through this platform it becomes another listing, among all your competitors. Consequently your submission may not receive any attention. Stand out from the crowd.
There are questions that you can address. Having a conversation, with the buyer is not possible. It’s difficult to determine who exactly is evaluating the product. It could be an assistant or someone who doesn’t fully grasp the perspective.
Retailers adopt this approach because they are established companies and want to avoid being overwhelmed with phone calls.
How Sales Professionals Approach It
Sales professionals don’t stick to protocols. Instead they obtain contact information for the buyer. Directly reach out to them. This allows them to engage in a conversation with the buyer and ensure that the buyer understands their products selling point.
They also don’t solely rely on submitting their product. They understand that successfully making sales requires approaching buyers in a manner.
How to Connect with a Chain Store Buyer
Submitting your product online is not necessarily the way of generating revenue. Sales professionals recognize that achieving profitability entails approaching buyers in a manner. Karen Waksman, an expert, at Retail MBA can provide guidance on how to approach stores and connect with the buyers. To learn more about Retail MBA. How they can assist you visit
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Outline of "How to Contact a Chain Store Buyer - 4 Tips and Strategies to Help You Get Started Today!"
If you’re a brand owner, in the consumer product industry, you might have aspirations to get your product sold in chain stores like Home Depot, Macys, Kroger or CVS. However reaching out to chain store buyers can be quite a challenge especially if you’re not familiar with the process. In this article we’ll discuss four tips for getting in touch with chain store buyers.
Tip #1 – Don’t strictly adhere to the protocol
When it comes to contacting chain store buyers it’s important not to stick to their established protocols. Many people make the mistake of reaching out to the stores and asking to speak with a buyer. However these chain stores typically don’t share the contact information of their buyers due to the number of inquiries they receive from individuals hoping to sell their products. Instead they usually direct you towards submitting your product through their Vendor Portal online.
The issue with this approach is that it may not necessarily result in a purchase order being issued for your product. Firstly because all your competitors are also listed on the site. Their products will be reviewed alongside yours by the buyer. Secondly there are questions, on the site that need answering in a way – and this may not always present your product in its best light.
Thirdly it’s important to consider that you may not have knowledge of the person who will review your product or if it will ever reach the intended buyer.
Of adhering to a set protocol sales professionals often take the initiative to obtain contact information, for the appropriate buyer and directly reach out to them. This approach enables them to present their product in the light and customize their sales pitch according to the buyers specific interests.
Tip #2 – Conduct Strategic Analysis
Before making contact with a chain store buyer it is crucial to conduct analysis. This involves gaining an understanding of the retailers business model, customer base and existing product offerings. Additionally researching the background of the buyer – such as their role within the company and purchasing history – is essential.
By conducting analysis you can tailor your sales pitch precisely to address the buyers needs. For instance if you’re selling a product that could be relevant for Home Depot customers it would be beneficial to study their customer base and gain insights into what products they offer in store. By doing you can position your product as an ideal complement to their existing range.
Tip #3 – Make Contact, with Precision
When reaching out to a chain store buyer it is crucial to approach them in a manner.To begin with it’s important to customize your pitch according to the buyers interests as we mentioned earlier. Additionally you need to make sure that your email or phone call stands out among the others the buyer receives daily.
One effective way to stand out is, by crafting a line that grabs the buyers attention. For instance of a subject line like “Product Inquiry,” opt for something like “Introducing an Innovative Product That Will Delight Your Customers!” Also steer clear from using buzzwords and jargon that might put off the buyer.
Tip #4 – Properly Follow Up
Lastly it is crucial to follow up with the buyer in a manner. If you don’t receive a response to your email or phone call it’s advisable to send a reminder. However be mindful not to come across as pushy or annoying since this can have an impact on your relationship with the buyer.
If the buyer shows interest, in your product make sure to follow up and provide any information they may require. You should also be prepared for negotiations concerning pricing, payment terms and other relevant conditions.In order to successfully reach out to chain store buyers it is important to be aware of the challenges involved. This article provides tips that can improve your chances of success. Remember to gather the contact information of the buyer carefully plan your strategy approach them in a manner and ensure proper follow up. By being persistent and committed you can increase the likelihood of selling your product.
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