Party Supply Product Category - How to Sell Party Supply Products to Retail Chains!
Are you a seller of party supplies in getting your products sold by retailers? In this short video training, Karen Waksman provides insights and strategies on how to sell party supply products in todays market!
Selling Party Supplies
When it comes to selling party supplies it’s common for sellers to target party destinations and various specialized stores. However these retailers often receive inquiries from competitors making them more selective about the products they choose. Karen suggests exploring alternatives beyond your comfort zone by approaching retailers with competition in this niche.
Karen recommends exploring the store premises and considering placement options for your product. Could it be positioned as a gift item? Could it be targeted towards kids? Is there a section within the store where it could find a spot? Perhaps you could showcase an image of a child on the packaging. Create a package aimed at different areas of the store. Each buyer is assigned responsibility for sections so if the party city buyer and party supply buyer reject your product there might be an opportunity, with a gift buyer who could potentially purchase it.
Gift Items
If you happen to have a range of gift items that can also be seen as party supplies Karen suggests repackaging them and placing them in sections of the store. Could this strategy work during the holiday season? For instance could you create packs of purple items, for Mothers Day. Display them in a different area of the store? Can you apply this approach to parts of the season?
Additionally Karen suggests exploring beyond party supply stores and venturing into market segments. Retailers like TJ Maxx, Ace Hardware, Michaels Stores along with sellers offer party supplies. There is no shortage of options when it comes to finding these types of products.
When it comes to party supplies it’s crucial not to follow the crowd. Consider whether they could serve as back to school products or fit any occasion, like birthdays and such. Where in the store do you think they would best fit?
Here are some helpful tips and strategies, for selling party supplies:
1. Explore beyond party supply stores. Consider different niches.
2. Take a stroll through stores. See if your product could fit in a different section.
3. Consider repackaging your product for times of the year to see if you can tap into holidays.
4. Focus on the kids section of the store. Create a story around your product.
5. Check online for retailers who specialize in selling products like yours.
If you need support with packaging, pricing ideas, strategies or finding the words to speak to buyers I recommend checking out Retail MBA. Visit their website at to explore their do it yourself programs and done for you programs, which will guide you in getting your products into stores and various retail outlets.
Additionally Retail MBA offers a webinar that you can join by visiting They also host live one day events, quarterly master class intensives. Provide tools to help expedite your entry, into stores.
Karen Waksman, the founder of Retail MBA specializes in helping product companies place their products on the shelves of retailers. In this article she discusses the strategies, for selling party supply products to chains including exploring stores and adapting product packaging to fit different categories.
The party supply industry encompasses items that people purchase for their parties, such as balloons, decorations and costumes. While it may be tempting to focus on known retailers like Party City, Target, Walmart and other department stores; it’s important to recognize that these retailers have numerous competitors. Consequently understanding how to approach and effectively sell your products becomes essential.
Purchasing Decisions
Retailers often receive pitches from manufacturers offering products. As a result they become more discerning in their purchasing decisions. Therefore Karen advises retailers to expand their horizons beyond Party City and explore chains where their party supplies could find success. While Party City holds a position within the party supply industry; there are other retail chains that cater to this market as well.
For example online retailers like catalogs or smaller local shops can also be outlets for selling party supplies. Additionally HSN (Home Shopping Network) QVC (Quality Value Convenience), among others opportunities worth considering.
Retailers, like Michaels Stores, ACE Hardware, TJ Maxx and other discount retailers offer a range of party supplies. To maximize sales it’s crucial to think beyond party supply stores. Karen Waksman has gained insights as a manufacturers representative emphasizing the importance of expanding reach and exploring markets.
Party Supply Buyer
One effective approach is to explore sections within the store to identify areas where your product could be a good fit. For instance if the party supply buyer or party city buyer rejects your product consider approaching the gift buyer or other department buyers who might show interest. Repackaging the product with packaging visuals. Creating a fresh narrative can help attract new audiences and tap into different market segments.
For example, lets say your product is balloons. You could create a pack specifically designed for Mothers Day or other special occasions featuring purple balloons. This strategy allows you to sell your product, in market segments throughout the year.
Given the nature of the party supply industry manufacturers must embrace innovation and creativity when developing their products.
To succeed in the party supply industry it’s important to think outside the box and consider niches and store sections where your product could find a place. Then you can give your product a perspective by repackaging it or updating its packaging visuals.
In order to thrive in this industry it’s crucial to explore retail chains and understand how your product can fit into their offerings. By being innovative and venturing into markets manufacturers can expand their customer base. Introduce their party supplies in exciting new ways.
In summary, the party supply industry is highly competitive, with retailers. However by looking beyond the chains and exploring different niches within stores manufacturers can create valuable opportunities for their products. Furthermore by repackaging products and presenting them with a story manufacturers can attract buyers and extend their reach. Karen Waksman’s expertise as a manufacturers representative offers insights on achieving success, in the party supply sector.
Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
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In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
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