Do you have a product that is perfect to sell to Boutique stores?
Have you ever wondered what it would take to get a product into their stores? If so, you will love this short training segment on how to sell your product to Boutiques!
(For those of you who prefer to read this content, transcripts are included below!)
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer such as Boutiques. Hope it helps! :
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Transcript of This Training…

If you become a Boutique vendor it is a tremendous opportunity for your business
Today I want to talk about how to sell your products to boutiques. People always ask me:
“Some companies don’t want to sell a major retailers. They want to really grow their business, with the smaller retailers like boutiques instead.”
How to start selling to Boutique stores
Boutiques are so much easier to sell to than major retailers. Because, the owner of the store where the store manager is the buyer and it is usually just 1 or 2 stores that they own. It’s now complex like selling in a major retailers where buyers buy millions worth of products and there’s things need to know about selling in major retailers.
How much you can sell to Boutique stores
But, with this small boutiques. It’s pretty clear that they don’t buy that many units of product for their stores. The good news is that they have the ability to price their product little bit higher than the major retailers. It’s more of an experience for the customer. It’s a nice business where people who wanna have consistent steady business and for that can be very nice for people those just sell the boutiques.
The way people make money in boutiques
They’ll start with one or two or three in their local area. They grow their boutique business and in the volume a boutique that you sell to is where you make the real money. Because you get thousands of accounts you can really excel and grow exponentially.
The real money is in the volume of number of a boutique that you sell to.
If you think you’re gonna get reached up just with one boutique, it’s probably not going to happen. But, selling two or more boutiques it would be essential to your success in making real money and some people just a huge business selling them in boutiques and then they never even think about the majors . And some people sell on boutiques and then they grow. And some people start major in the major small retailers in so you can choose whatever you want for your business but if we’re talking about boutiques the bottom line is that “It’s much easier to deal with”.
I would recommend to you initially learn what it takes to sell to boutique
I say that not because I teach training but honestly I’m a believer in that because, your initial clients will tell you so much about how to prep your products for boutiques throughout the country and the world for you to be a business owner solely reliant on a sales rep to go sell for you. You don’t get your full understanding of what your customers really want.
- How you package your product,
- How you prepare your product
- How you should price your product
The people who really care about their business, or the people who are more successful in boutique business usually start out doing some of the legwork and then they kind of hand it over the sales reps and they focus on making excellent products. Knowing what their customers want because they experienced it, they were first out there.
Once you become a boutique vendor other boutique stores will accept your products
For those who hate selling it’s the worst thing you want to hear but honestly with boutiques it’s so much easier. It’s really not complex just have to understand what to say to them and ultimately how to get them to buy. But once you get your pitch going and get it right you can duplicate that over and over again with other people and you might actually learn a skill or two that would be successful and supportive for you in all aspects of your life. The people usually like hates sales start getting kind and decent at it. You know they actually learn you know there’s some cool things that they learned along the way.
My recommendation is to start working locally in your area
Start learning your business locally. Start trying to sell to the boutique owners initially yourself. Just to get a feel for how things go what they’re saying about your product.
This isn’t a permanent thing, close a few deals down and then start handing it over, but during that time my recommendation is to really understand your audience. Before you even sell the boutique owners.
First recommendation is to go to those stores and boutiques in your areas
Bring a pen and paper walk around seeing where your product will fit. Where it would be positioned what you need to change in your display in order to fit for that particular store. Because lot of boutiques expect you to have a little display area for your product. If you don’t have that, you probably would need to go to the stores to see how big the display needs to be. What size it to be? What used to look like. You can take a look at your competitors see what they’re doing make yours look a little cooler better more interesting. The other thing is pricing right so you guys see what pricing is for similar product to yours. Try and emulate that make sure that your kind of in the normal price range there. First go to several boutiques in your area learn about what’s going on there.
Another thing to think about if you want to sell to Boutiques
Second recommendation is once you do that then you get your product ready to go and then get in your car when you’re ready. Bring your product with you and go there and say hey I’d like to speak to store owner the buyer and so forth. I have this new product and I would love it to show you what I’m up to and have them start on taking a look at the product and so forth.
More ways to get your products into boutiques stores
There’s things to say these boutique owners to get them more interested there’s ways to expedite this process to learn all that their amazing strategies on pitching these guys. I can go on and on about all the things to say and objections you gonna come up with. But the good news is all the stuff is learnable.

Learn how to approach, pitch & sell to Boutique stores
If you want to learn more about on how to actually sell to Boutiques. I have a mini course called the Small Retail MBA specifically designed for the boutique market. If you want to learn more about that it is seriously and if you have no sales experience or buyer relations or whatever on you can learn exactly how to pitch these guys and the link to my Small Retail MBA courses is listed below this video.
If you become a vendor for Boutique stores it is a tremendous opportunity for your business
Otherwise a few quick tips, do your research make sure that you have the displays and stuff ready to go. When you’re ready to sell to Boutiques guys bring the product with you look for the store owner. The other thing that’s fantastic about boutiques a lot of time it’s a cash business and pay you for your product like either up front. Shortly after whereas major retailers you have to wait for that payment on much longer on. That’s the uncool facts about selling to boutiques.
Anyways if you want to learn more again my Small Retail MBA course. I will walk you through this process and help you get started today, if you’re serious about it.
Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.
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In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
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