

Why Use Markdown?

Markdown can help you write faster and easier than ever before. Unlike HTML, markdown requires no special software; all programs that support it (including text editors such as Ulysses or Typora ) support markdown documents as readable output. Markdown makes formatting lists (ordered or unordered) much simpler; all it requires to create them is prefixing each line with an asterisk (*).

It’s easy to learn

Markdown stands apart from other markup languages like HTML or LaTeX by being specifically tailored for ease of writing documents. Its syntax is extremely user-friendly, even for non-programmers; plus it supports all the formatting options a modern text editor would offer; making markdown an excellent option for both novices and experts. Simple in design, HTML markup makes this format ideal for use on websites where the formatting is handled automatically by web servers. Furthermore, this style of markup can also be used for taking notes and document creation and is supported by several applications and writing tools like Ulysses for Mac. Zusatzlich to its core markup language syntax, markdown offers optional extensions for special formatting effects. Asterisks can be used to highlight text; one asterisk renders your text italicized while two will bolden it. Furthermore, markdown also supports unordered and ordered lists using its equivalent syntax as HTML. John Gruber and Aaron Schwartz created markdown to be as intuitive for readers and writers alike. For inspiration, they looked at existing text-to-HTML filters such as Setext, atx Textile reStructuredText Grutatext but their biggest source was plain text email communication as an established form of online interaction; its syntax mirroring this of email automatically converts to HTML when required. Markdown can be utilized in virtually every environment. It has become especially popular on websites that host user-generated content such as blogs and can also be used for writing documents and notes. Markdown is particularly beneficial when used for technical documentation as it allows the writer to concentrate on conveying their information instead of worrying about formatting details. GitHub repositories use Markdown extensively when writing their README files – another handy application! Many popular writing apps support Markdown, making it simple for you to give it a try. Once you get the hang of it, relying on it will speed up your workflow considerably; additionally you can use it for web page creation; some programs even provide conversion services so your Markdown file becomes a finished product for you!

It’s portable

Markdown is an easily portable text-based markup language, not dependent on plugins, applications or file formats; it works on any device with a plain-text editor allowing content to move seamlessly across platforms like email clients, chat clients and blogging applications. Markdown was initially designed for use when converting text into HTML; today it serves many other purposes as well. For instance, it can be found widely used when writing text-heavy websites like blogs and news sites as well as creating to-do lists, other documents and even email programs like MailMate and Airmail. Markdown’s beauty lies in its minimalist approach; all extraneous features are stripped away to provide writers with a clutter-free work space for writing. This makes markdown so popular; its simplicity and purity have earned its users fierce loyalty – as evidenced by Slack’s decision to discontinue Markdown support in favor of an “WYSIWYG editor.” Markdown goes beyond basic formatting (e.g. p> for paragraphs and b> for bulleted lists), with syntax to allow images and links. Images can be created simply using an img > tag with an image file name and alt text attribute; similarly for links. As well as images and links, Markdown supports other elements like ordered and unordered lists – use numbers with hashes before each level header number (for ordered lists); unordered lists use periods followed by line breaks instead; to include links just add their URL in brackets! Markdown falls short in its coverage of all possible HTML tags; therefore, different “Markdown flavors” exist with distinct syntaxes and features. While certain varieties might be more compatible than others, each has unique features and restrictions; thus making it important to find a tool which supports what flavors you require.

It’s easy to share

Moving content from your head to the web can be challenging. All the various tools involved don’t always operate the same way or follow consistent procedures, leading to confusion in translation. Markdown is a straightforward yet user-friendly solution that makes this process more manageable and reliable; its user-friendly format enables easy addition of headers, lists, emphasis and blockquotes plus links to URLs and images into plain text files – its original purpose was as a simpler alternative to HTML; now however it has become an essential tool for structuring notes, organizing to-do lists etc. Contrary to text formatted with heavier markup languages such as HTML or Rich Text Format (RTF), Markdown text is easily readable without appearing like it has been marked up with tags or formatting instructions, ensuring your documents remain legible regardless of which software reads them. Markdown is cross-platform and easy to edit on any computer that supports plain text editors or one of the many available Markdown writing apps. Furthermore, its portability means it can easily be moved between devices without worrying about conversion glitches; some popular sites such as GitHub and Dropbox even support Markdown! Markdown offers many advantages, not least its lightweight nature. Without WYSIWYG editors to distract them, advanced writers love markdown because it allows them to focus solely on writing without lifting their fingers off the keyboard – especially useful when used for collaborative software writing with multiple people at the same time. Markdown syntax was invented by Daring Fireball contributor John Gruber in 2004 as an easy way of creating documents that could then be converted to HTML. Since then, Markdown has become widely adopted across blogging platforms, instant messaging services, online forums and documentation pages as well as readme files – with an amazing fan base; when Slack decided to switch from Markdown to WYSIWYG interface there was such an outraged response they decided to offer both formats again as an option!

It’s reliable

Markdown files differ from HTML and XML by being plain-text documents that do not translate directly to code, making them cross-platform by nature and easy to share. They’re also simple to edit with any text editor on macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS and Android; there is even an application dedicated specifically for writing Markdown! Markdown syntax has been designed to be unobtrusive and readable, its formatting symbols reminiscent of familiar punctuation marks (asterisks around words for emphasis and brackets for links) to make reading it as effortless as possible. Furthermore, markdown enables more efficient writing as frequent interruptions from most modern text editors such as selecting text manually or clicking buttons can break your creative flow and disrupt writing speed; Markdown eliminates such distractions and helps writers write faster. Markdown was initially created for web copy, but has become an invaluable tool for writing and editing other types of content as well. For instance, it can be used for creating to-do lists and notes as well as supported writing applications like Notion, Dropbox Paper and Craft. Furthermore, markdown works well with many web services and can even be converted to HTML for publication on websites and platforms. Markdown is also an ideal solution for programmers seeking to collaborate on nontechnical projects with nontechnical users or create documentation. Easily converted to HTML, its file format is compatible with Git, making integration into development workflows simple; while its simple syntax saves both time and resources compared with more traditional document formats. Markdown offers many advantages, one being its reliability: when converted to HTML, its output will always be well-formatted and consistent, providing crucial support for collaboration by eliminating incoherent formats that might cause trouble when trying to read or interpret them. Markdown’s reliability has been demonstrated over time, yet some users still wish for an official specification of markdown. Gruber has refused to formalize it further on account that markup should not serve as an exhaustive specification and that no single syntax could meet everyone’s needs.

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In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂

Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA

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