Marketing Your Invention - Welcome Inventors Assistance League Members!


on Filing Your Provisional Patent Application


Getting Your Patent Pending Status For Your New Invention!

NOW it’s time to figure out HOW You Are Going to Bring Your New Invention to Market.

The Great News is That You Now Have Options!!

The Inventors Assistance League in partnership with Retail MBA have worked together to develop marketing programs to support your next steps in Marketing Your Invention! All you have to do is scroll down this page to learn more!

Karen Waksman, Founder of Retail MBA (in Partnership with the Inventors Assistance League)

Will you manufacture your invention and get it into retailers, online retailers, catalogs and other distribution channels? 

OR will you license your product to manufacturer’s and big corporations?

Whichever way you decide to go, we have created training programs to support you!

Just click on either option below to learn more about your options!

OPTION 1: Retail MBA 

Retail MBA:  How to Get Your Products into Major Retailers, Online Retailers, Catalogs and Small Retailers too!

Absolutely No Sales Experience or Existing Relationships Required!

OPTION 2: Licensing MBA

Licensing MBA: How to License Your New Product Idea to Manufacturers and Big Corporations

Still have questions? Feel free to reach us at 415-404-9540. We are here to support you!


To your success,

Karen Waksman

Retail MBA