Perry Belcher Interview

FREE Powerful Interview with Karen Waksman, Founder of Retail MBA Brands, and Perry Belcher! 

Check out Our Free Interview with Perry Belcher and Karen Waksman. This was a Powerful Interview! 

Perry Belcher, a copywriting expert, recently spoke with Karen Waksman of Retail MBA about the importance of understanding the customer’s desired end result when selling a product. Belcher explains that many people sell a product without clearly showing the customer the benefit of the product. He emphasizes that it is important to make the product line centric to the customer, not the product.

Benefits of the Product

Belcher explains that the number one reason people don’t buy something is a fear of disappointment. He states that it is important to show the customer the benefit of the product and why it is better than the old way. He also explains that it is important to show the customer proof that will make them feel safe about spending money on the product.

Peeling the Onion

Belcher explains that it is important to understand why people are buying a product at an emotional level. He states that people buy things to remind themselves and tell others who they are. He also explains that personalized items or items with slogans or sayings work well because people want to be identified as a certain thing.


Belcher explains that the value of learning to write decent copy can be exponential to one’s success. He states that it is important to create a temporary suspension of belief in order to get someone to buy something. He explains that it is important to show the customer the benefit of the product, show them that it is new, show them that it is an opportunity, and show them proof that will make them feel safe about spending money on the product.

Interview with Perry Belcher Link Below

In conclusion, Perry Belcher emphasizes the importance of understanding the customer’s desired end result when selling a product. He explains that it is important to make the product line centric to the customer, not the product. He also explains that it is important to understand why people are buying a product at an emotional level and to show the customer the benefit of the product, show them that it is new, show them that it is an opportunity, and show them proof that will make them feel safe about spending money on the product.

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