Do you want to learn about Licensed Products? Karen Waksman, founder of Retail MBA will give you tips and strategies on How to Sell Licensed Products to Retailers via Retail Licensing!
Are you an artist or a creator of products who wants to see your merchandise on the shelves of stores? While it may seem like a task with the knowledge and strategies getting your product into retail stores is definitely achievable. In this short video training, we will get into the process of placing your licensed products in any store. To illustrate this we’ll be using the example of a friend of mine who wished to sell his custom playing cards in outlets. Additionally we’ll provide you with some tips and strategies to kickstart your journey, towards getting your licensed products onto store shelves.
Getting Your Licensed Product Into Retail Stores
When it comes to placing your licensed product in stores understanding how the process works is crucial. In my friends case, he obtained licensing rights from Disney. Incorporated their characters into his playing cards. This was done legally. Then came the task of figuring out how to market and sell his product.
Since his cards featured Disney characters he decided to approach Disney Stores as his target for selling. Enough it’s possible to engage with corporate buyers at certain retailers such as Disney instead of dealing with each individual store separately. A highly convenient route if you have aspirations for reaching numerous locations such, as Walmart’s vast network.However there are also retailers who offer the opportunity to sell your products at a store level.
For example, Disney Stores not have buyers but they also have individual stores that can make purchasing decisions independently. A friend of mine recognized this. Took the initiative to visit his Disney Store and have a conversation, with the store manager. He knew what to say and how to approach the situation and the store manager expressed interest in his product when it aligned with their needs. After he successfully got his playing cards stocked in Disney Stores by setting up an account for one store. He repeated this process for stores well.
Similarly Walmart has buyers. Also operates on an individual store level. It’s important to note that you can’t simply walk into a Walmart and expect to get your product placed in that store. You need to complete paperwork through their channels specifically tailored for each store.
Tips and Strategies
Now that you have gained insights into how to navigate the process of getting your product into stores here are some helpful tips and strategies to kick start your journey;
1. Familiarize yourself with the step, by step process of getting your product into stores.
2. Reach out directly to the buyer who handles products to yours.
Getting your product into stores is definitely possible but it requires some knowledge and strategic approaches. It’s crucial to have an understanding of the process involved well, as reaching out to the appropriate buyer who specializes in your specific product type. Additionally it’s important to take advantage of retailers at levels. Regional or national. Who are open to buying new products.
When communicating with buyers it’s essential to use language and choose the words that resonate with them ultimately convincing them to make a purchase. Another important aspect is ensuring you complete all the paperwork required by retailers like Walmart.
If you’re interested in delving into the process of getting your product onto store shelves I recommend checking out They offer time tested and proven strategies on how to market products and have supported people worldwide in their efforts to get their products stocked in stores.
Wishing you the best of luck, with getting your product into stores!

Outline of "Retail Licensing - How to Sell a Licensed Product to Retail with Retail Licensing!" Transcript:
Are you a licensed product owner planning on displaying your item on top retailer shelves ? You could use several strategies or tips within this video training listed above to increase your success rates .
Our guidelines will elaborate further on how best you can get licensed products into retail chain stores.
Starting off , it is essential to ensure that your unique item features third-party licensed content appealing enough to broad audiences. Retailers are always attracted to these items as they guarantee significant sales offsetting initial investment costs incurred while setting up shop.
By embracing popular recognizable licensed content in your products , you stand better chances at getting noticed by these prominent retail chain stores.
Take our example; an artist created playing cards featuring famous beloved Disney characters as part of its unique packaging using legal licensing rights acquired beforehand . However, succeeding in securing shelf space involves more than licenses ; it also includes effectively targeting relevant buying entities in mega-corporations such as Disney Stores .
And knowing that Disney Stores utilize an approach of buying from both corporate buyers and individual store managers , our artist targets contacting the store manager directly. Upon direct presentation of the playing cards in an effective manner , the manager showed interest and promised to give his products full consideration. By leaving behind contacts, he established trust that ensured early notification if they decided to add his tapestry into their accepted product selection .
Upon receiving exciting news shortly after, he learned that his playing cards would join a line-up at the famous Disney Store! The success gave him motivation to carry on with increased sales tactics by expanding his reach into multiple locations; realizing those individual store managers have say over purchasing decisions ensured securing accounts with several Disney Stores & generating an even larger revenue stream from his licensed product.
Keep in mind though – while Disney allows for single-store sales capability other retailers have varying approaches. For instance Walmart also has this ability but tends toward paperwork handling through corporate offices instead.
It’s crucial, then, to stick with corporate procedures as you finalize your pitch to local Walmart store managers.
The main idea here is that both national and local retailers are willing to consider licensed products as long as they align with their target market and product offerings. Once you’ve succeeded in placing your product in a particular store, it is possible to expand the reach of your merchandise by targeting other retail chains nationally or regionally; the key is identifying the ideal buyer for a given category (children’s section, seasonal items).
To learn strategies and tactics for approaching buyers effectively, Retail MBA provides excellent resources & training.
With a track record of helping thousands of businesses worldwide, whether just beginning or experienced sellers seeking more information about navigating intricate retail chains – Retail MBA offers comprehensive support for entrepreneurs at any stage of their business journey

Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.
We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about. Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
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