Bed Bath

“Sell to Bed Bath and Beyond NOW!”

No Sales Experience or Existing Buyer Relationships Required!

**This Powerful Training Includes a List of  Over 100 Bed Bath and Beyond Corporate Buyer’s Direct Contact Information…The Golden Ticket to Approaching Them the Right Way NOW!**



11 AM-12:30pm Pacific Time
2 PM-3:30pm Eastern Time


Cost is $297 (or only $97 if you sign up for our Monthly Webinar Program!)

All Participants Will Receive a List of over 100 Bed Bath and Beyond Corporate Buyer’s Contact Information and a Training on How to Utilize This List So You Can Approach Bed Bath and Beyond With Your Product ASAP!

Sign Up Now!



  • How Retail Sales Professionals Pitch Products to Bed Bath and Beyond Stores
  • What Makes a Buyer More Inclined to Buy
  • What NOT to Do When Selling to Bed Bath and Beyond
  • How to Utilize The Contact List Provided in This Training to Pitch Bed Bath and Beyond TODAY!
  • Tips and Strategies on How to Get Started Now!
Reserve Your Spot!

Your Information is 100% Secure And Will Never Be Shared With Anyone.

What You Will Receive During This Training…

Do you have a product that you think would be perfect for Bed Bath and Beyond stores? Would you like to get your products into their stores? If so, you will absolutely LOVE this training on Getting Your Product Sold at Bed Bath and Beyond NOW!

During this webinar, Retail Industry Expert Karen Waksman, will explain

  • How to approach Bed Bath and Beyond buyers with your product
  • What Makes a Bed Bath and Beyond Buyer More Inclined to Buyer
  • What Not to Do When Approaching Bed Bath and Beyond
  • How to Pitch Your Products to Bed Bath and Beyond the Right Way

And much more!

What makes this webinar even more unique is that all participants will a list of over 100 Bed Bath and Beyond Corporate Buyer’s Contact Information! This will enable you to reach out to the appropriate buyer ASAP! And by the end of the webinar, you will know how to use this list to approach Bed Bath and Beyond!

**Please note that the contact lists provided for webinar participants include Buyer First Name, Buyer Last Name, Corporate Phone Number, Corporate Address and Email Addresses of Buyers as well! Buyers are constantly shifting at Bed Bath and Beyond so there are no 100% guarantees that all of the buyers are at the same position when you receive this list. However, we have done our absolute best to accumulate as much quality and updated information as possible! And the buyers on this list cover just about every major product category. Either way, I explain a few tricks and strategies on what to do if you don’t have a particular buyer’s contact information in the webinar as well! Exciting!**

About the Trainer

Karen Waksman
About Karen Waksman: Karen Waksman, Founder and CEO of International Retail MBA (Retail MBA), is a former Manufacturer’s Rep who has sold millions of units of products to the world’s largest retailers.  Now turned author and consultant, Karen teaches her proven sales formula on how to approach, pitch and sell to retail buyers, catalogs and small retailers to thousands of consumer products companies across the globe.

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WARNING:  We only have a limited number of spots on our webinar system available and space will fill up fast so register now to avoid missing out.  This webinar is packed with high quality content and will fill up fast!

Claim Your Spot Below!

**If You Can’t Make This Particular Day and Time, No Worries! We Will Send You The Recorded Version of This Webinar with Bed Bath and Beyond Buyer Contact Lists After the Live Training!**

Click Here To Get Access to This LIVE Training!

The Walgreens Logo on this Page is Trademarked and Owned by Bed Bath and Beyond Stores, Not Retail MBA!