Small Retail MBA – How to Sell Your Retail Products to Smaller Retailers such as Boutiques, Convenience Stores and More!
Announcing A Breakthrough Training Program For Companies Interested in Getting Their Products on the Shelves of Small Retailers such as Boutiques, Convenience Stores and More!
***Absolutely No Sales Experience or Existing Buyer Relationships Required!
Now you can learn powerful, proven strategies from an Entrepreneur Magazine, New York Times Company and MSNBC Featured Retail Expert!
Small Retail MBA is an Advanced, Multi-Media Training Program on how to get your products on the shelves of smaller retailers.
Small Retail MBA was developed by Retail Sales Expert Karen Waksman. Karen has sold millions of consumer products to the world’s largest retailers and now teaches her proven time-tested sales formula on how to approach, pitch and sell to retail buyers to 1000’s of consumer products companies across the globe!

What's Included in this Program?
This is a powerful 75 minute online video and audio training program that explains EXACTLY how to approach, pitch and sell to smaller retailers buyers!
Here’s what’s included in the program….
1) Getting Starting With Selling to Smaller Retailers
If you are a company interested in expanding your retail business, than you must explore Small Retail MBA! This program is perfect for those of you who want to become distributors and sell products in volume to convenience stores, boutiques and more. This program is also perfect for those of you want to know what the ‘secret knock’ is when it comes to selling your products to smaller retail buyers. Absolutely no sales experience or existing buyer relationships!
2) How to Approach Them With Your Product
How do you approach convenience stores or boutiques or any smaller retailer with your products? Should you walk into their store? Send them an email? Or give them a call? In this training, you will learn the most effective strategies on how to best approach small retailers with your product!
3) Prepare Your Product For Retail Success
What do you need to prepare in order to sell to small retailers? Is there a certain type of packaging you need? Do you need displays? What items should you have ready to go prior to approaching small retailers? How do you decide on pricing? In this training, we will help you figure out exactly what you need in order to prepare your product for small retail success!
4) How to Find Contact Information For Small Retail Buyers?
What’s the best way to find small retail buyers? Are their online resources or offline resources to help you get started? Learn the best ways to find contact information for small retail buyers!
5) How to Get Them to Buy
If you connect with a small retail buyer, what do you say to them to get them to buy? What’s the most effective way to convince that buyer that your product is the perfect product for their stores? In this training, we will give you the best strategies for getting a buyer to buy your product!
6) How to Get Paid by Small Retailers
How do small retailers pay you? Do they pay in cash, credit, invoice or check? And how do you prepare accordingly? In this training, we will discuss the most common ways small retail buyers pay you and how to get paid as quickly as possible!
7) Selling on Consignment and What You Need to Know
Consignment is a common question that comes up all of the time in regards to selling to smaller retailers. So how do you know when it makes sense for your business? Also, how can you use consignment for your best interest? Learn advanced sales strategies that will help you expand your business exponentially without losing your shirt!
8) How to Handle Objections That May Come Your Way
Objections are part of the sales process when it comes to selling to retailers. So how do you overcome them? How can you turn an objection into a way to grow your business? In this training, we discuss the top objections people will deal with in regards to selling to small retailers and exactly how to handle them.
9) Best Practices and What You Need to Know
Selling to small retailers is not brain surgery, but it does require understanding the industry and what gets small retail buyers more inclined to buy. Learn best practices from industry experts who can help you expand your business by knowing what the best practices are in this industry!
10) What NOT to Do When Selling to Small Retailers
Some amazing products get passed up by small retail buyers simply because manufacturers and vendors don’t say the right thing in the meeting with the buyer and/or don’t approach the buyer the right way. Learning what NOT to do when selling to small retailers can help you win more business!
How to Get Started Now!
To purchase this powerful 75 minute online video and audio training program that explains EXACTLY how to approach, pitch and sell to smaller retailers buyers, click on the button below!
Once You Purchase, You will Receive Access to a Powerful 75 Minute Online Video and Downloadable Audio Training Program!