Do you have a product that is perfect to sell to Whole Food stores?
Would you like to know how to become a Whole Foods Vendor? If so, check out this video on the subject!
In this video, Karen Waksman walks you through what it takes to get your products sold at Whole Foods Grocery Stores.
Also, if you’ve enjoyed this video, please comment below. We would love your feedback.
And if you want to know exactly how to sell to Whole Foods check out our Retail MBA Training Program. It will show you how!
Transcript for this video:

Transcript for Whole Foods Vendor – Learn everything you need to know to become a Whole Foods Vendor!
Hey everyone! My name is Karen Waksman. I’m the founder of a company called Retail MBA. Today I want to chat about how you can get your products sold at Whole Foods. I decided to focus on this because I’ve been teaching product companies across the country on how to get their items, into stores and Whole Foods is a topic among them.
In this discussion, our aim is to empower and inspire you by sharing some insights on how you can navigate the process of getting your product onto their shelves.
Getting Started with Selling to Whole Foods
Lets dive into why selling your products at Whole Foods is an epic idea. When it comes to becoming a supplier for them there’s one point that immediately comes to mind. You see, when you approach retailers like Walgreens or Walmart or even other big players, in the industry…Typically what happens is that they have a buyer who purchases products for all of their stores. This makes it easier to become a vendor, for Whole Foods.
If you have a specialty food product major retailers usually have a buyer for specialty items. The good news is that since the buyer purchases for all the stores they can buy quantities of your product.
What sets Whole Foods apart is that they buy on a level. I find this quite interesting especially if you’re new to the industry or trying to get your products into Whole Foods. The advantage here is that you have the potential to reach out to buyers within Whole Foods and potentially get your products into regions.
Challenges of Working with Whole Foods
Becoming a vendor, for Whole Foods can be a bit challenging. Let me explain.
For instance if you approach Walgreens or any other major retailer. You know if the buyer doesn’t like your product it becomes quite challenging to get your product into that store unless another buyer steps, in or some other circumstances arise preventing you from doing so. When the buyer says “No ” it really puts a halt to your progress.
However when it comes to Whole Foods they have a setup in place. This means that there is a buyer for each region responsible for various variables. What this implies for you is that there is one buyer assigned to one region and another buyer for a region and so on. So hypothetically speaking you can reach out to a buyer at Whole Foods. If that particular buyer says yes to your proposal ! You can then sell your products within their designated region. On the hand if they say no don’t worry because there are other buyers within Whole Foods whom you can approach and potentially sell your products.
The main point I’m trying to convey is that there are opportunities available, for selling products through Whole Foods.
Sometimes a buyer may not have budget to purchase your product in one area. However it’s possible that the same buyer could have the means to buy products specifically tailored for another region. The main objective here is to assist you in generating revenue. Therefore if you encounter a situation where a buyer, from Whole Foods declines your offer consider exploring regions, within Whole Foods and connecting with buyers there accordingly.

Learn how to approach, pitch & sell to Whole Foods stores
SO that’s just some food for thought on getting your products into Whole Foods. And obviously if you want to learn the exact steps from start to finish on how to get a product into Whole Foods, please take a look at my Retail MBA training program. It is the most comprehensive course available today on the subject to selling to Whole Food stores. Anyways, I hope that provided value for you.
Please take a look at the links below this video to get additional information on how to become a Whole Food vendor & about Retail MBA and also please make sure to take a look at the other training videos I’m creating on different retailers. I’m giving just, you know, nuggets of information that really support you in helping you get your products into stores.
So anyways, I really hope that provided value for you. And I look forward to continuing this conversation with you.
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Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.
We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about. Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
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