Wholesale Product Business – How to be More Productive in Half the Time!
As a business owner, I’m always faced with issues related to productivity. I have lists of things I want to accomplish for my business, but not enough hours in the day to accomplish all that I want to do.
Plus I want a life! I don’t just want to work all the time. 🙂 So what do you do? How do you accomplish all of your goals in less time?
Well, I came across a method to expedite the things I want to accomplish in half the time. And I decided to share this with all of you because I know many of you are struggling with the same issue in your own product business!
OK here’s the technique – its called the Pomodoro Method. You will need a pen, paper and timer to try this on your own! This technique has been around a long time, but surprisingly a lot of people still haven’t heard of it.
In simplest form, here’s how the technique works:
1) Write a list of all the things that you want or need to accomplish. Just list all of them on a page! For example, a few of the things on my list include writing blogs, SEO optimization, developing new training programs, creating videos, etc.
For a product company it might be pitching to retailers, hiring a product packager, preparing for a trade show, etc. The goal is to write out your core to-do list.
2) Now it’s time to pick one of the items on your list. Let’s use the example of pitching your products to retailers.
Utilizing the Pomodoro technique, for 25 minutes you will only focus on pitching your products to retailers. The idea here is to focus on ONE task that needs to get done and focus on it for 25 minutes straight. It’s as simple as that! Just time yourself using a timer.
Here’s an example – for 25 minutes, you will be reaching out to certain retailers that you want to sell to. In other words, you will not be checking your email, or doing several projects at once. You will just be reaching out to retailers for 25 minutes straight.
3) Once the timer goes off and you are done with the 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break and then do it again! You can either continue on with the same task of pitching products to retailers for 25 minutes, or you can choose another task on your list!
The goal of this technique is simply to help you focus on certain tasks that you need to get accomplished for short periods of concentrated time.
It’s up you how many 25 minutes (I call them Pomodoro’s) that you want to do in a given day. But just make sure that after 4 Pomodoro’s, you take either a 15 minute or 30 minute break!
So to recap, here’s how the flow works:
-25 minutes of concentrated effort on one task
-5 minute break
-25 minutes
-5 minute break
-25 minutes
-5 minute break
-25 minutes
-15 to 30 minute break, etc.
You can learn more about this technique by clicking here.
I personally think that this method works so well because when you focus your mind on one task at a time, you actually start taking action! When you are overwhelmed, you tend to do nothing. So the 25 minutes you do with Pomodoro, makes it so you you actually achieve results!
Anyhow, I hope this helps!
Got a technique that works for you? Please share below!
Karen Waksman
Retail MBA
P.S. Want to take your wholesale product business to the next level? If so, check out our Retail MBA Training Program! Visit Retail MBA and learn how to get products into stores. It will help you get your products into retail stores fast!
Photo Provided by: AGbeat.com