Zulily Vendor – How to Sell to Zulily and Become a Zulily.com Vendor!
Are you offering a product that would be a fit for Zulily.com?
If you have a product that you believe would be perfect for Zulily.com, this short video training will provide you with some quick tips and strategies on how to get started and make it happen today.
Becoming a Vendor on Zulily
Zulily is a website that caters to tech savvy mothers who are looking to purchase items for their children. They offer a range of products including footwear, toys, apparel, shoes, accessories and more.
When you visit their site and sign up as a vendor they essentially function as another deal site where people can buy products.
Getting Started with Selling on Zulily
I work with clients who have been incredibly successful on the platform.
You can submit your product through their websites cloud service to become a vendor. However what often works best is recognizing that Zulily has dedicated buyers whose job’s to select and purchase items, for the website.
If you can identify the buyer within your product category and reach out to them directly your chances of getting your products in stores will greatly improve.
Avoid reaching out to buyers via LinkedIn as they tend not to appreciate it.There are some techniques that need to be employed.
Sales professionals are aware that Zulily actually has buyers. Therefore your task is to locate them collaborate with someone ensure your pitch is appropriate and directly reach out to them. By doing you will have the potential to earn money and opportunities compared to simply submitting your products on their vendor portal and hoping for a response.
Sell on Zulily.com now!
If you’re interested, in obtaining information regarding the specific language to use and how to effectively showcase the greatness of your product we offer personalized coaching sessions in a small group setting. We provide support throughout the process.
If you have a product that you believe would be a perfect fit, for Zulily.com consider selling it on their platform. With the strategies and assistance contacting buyers directly can lead to financial gain and opportunities.
We have clients who achieve sales performance on this website.
Wishing you success
The Retail MBA Team

Transcript for this Video - How to Sell on Zulily.com
Contacting Zulily to Introduce Your Product
I have many customers who’ve gotten on Zulily.com. Many people don’t realize that you can submit your product into the cloud on their website and become a vendor hopefully if they’re interested in your product. But what actually works for a lot of people is to realize that Zulily has buyers as well, like chain stores. They have actual buyers who are looking for new products all day long, consistently, their job is to purchase things and to pick things and so forth for the website. And so if you can figure out who the appropriate buyer is for your particular product category and reach out to them directly, which is what the sales professionals do if they try to sell to a website such as Zulily, then you have a better chance of getting your products in stores.
Now I’m not saying to go on LinkedIn and send them a message or anything like that, it’s a terrible idea. Actually, buyers can not stand it when you send them a message via LinkedIn because it’s their way to submit their products out into the world as a resume. It’s kind of like a job board site for a lot of these buyers and so forth. It’s really not a place to try and hustle and do deals, it’s not. So there are additional strategies that I’d have to kind of walk you through, but the essence is, if you can get some support on the actual pitch, the words you use to reach out to them virtually, you could do tremendously well with a retailer like Zulily.
So the bottom line is the sales professionals know that Zulily actually has buyers, so your job is to find them, work with somebody, make sure your pitch is appropriate. Reach out to them, that individual buyer, because you’ll make so much more money and opportunity by contacting them directly versus submitting your products onto their vendor portal and hoping that somebody responds to you. It generally doesn’t work out very well that way. Yes, they have websites, and yes, they are telling you to submit their products to their site. But again, most of the professionals go direct and support you accordingly.
Now I would love to give you additional information on exact words to use and how to actually project the epicness of your product, but we do work with people on an individual coaching level, in a small group setting, and support people along the way.
Wishing you so much happiness and success.
Karen Waksman, Retail MBA Brands

Become a Zulily Vendor
Karen Waksman, founder of Retail MBA, shared some tips and strategies for selling products on Zulily.com on the video listed above. Zulily is a website that works with mothers who are young and untech savvy and are looking to purchase things for their kids. They sell footwear, toys, apparel, shoes, accessories, and more.
In this training segment, Karen shares how to get started selling on Zulily and how to make the most of the opportunity.
Getting Started with Selling to Zulily.com
The first step to selling on Zulily is to submit your product to the cloud on their website and become a vendor. Karen notes that this is not the most effective way to get your product on the website, but it is the first step.
Karen recommends that sales professionals contact the buyers directly for the best chance of getting their products on the website. She notes that buyers cannot stand it when you send them a message via LinkedIn, as it is their way to submit their products out to the world as a resume.
Karen suggests that sales professionals use the appropriate words when reaching out to the buyers, and work with somebody to make sure the pitch is appropriate. She notes that this is the best way to make money and have opportunity with a retailer like Zulily.
Karen offers additional support for those looking to sell on Zulily, including exact words to use and how to project the epicness of your product. She works with people on an individual coaching level in a small group setting to support them along the way.
Selling on Zulily can be a great opportunity for those with the right product. Karen Waksman’s tips and strategies can help sales professionals make the most of the opportunity. By reaching out to the buyers directly, sales professionals can make more money and have more opportunity with a retailer like Zulily.
Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.
We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about. Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
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